Saturday, 08 July 2017 07:01

UP! Under Prejudices Youth Exchange Featured

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Be part of UP! Under Prejudices - Youth Exchange on Equal Opportunities and Gender Equality, with SEYF Malta!

Project title: UP! Under Prejudices Youth Exchange 

Dates: 24 September - 02 October 2017

Location: Nabeul, Tunisia

Participants needed: 5 participants aged 18 - 30 years

Costs: Travel costs covered up to a limit of  €180. Food and accommodation 100% free.

Membership fee & Participation fee Malta – €10. Participation fee host organisation – €15.

Participating Countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Lebanon

Project Description: UP! Under Prejudices is a multilateral youth exchange under the KA1 of the Erasmus+ programme that will take place in Nabeul, Tunisia.  The project’s idea come from the need of the involved NGOs to fight discrimination and violence against women within their local communities (offline) and within the wider society (online and on media), which is continuously arising, despite the great institutional efforts. The main aim of the project is to promote the culture of tolerance, gender equality, respect of differences and experimenting with different media campaigns. Participants will create a Campaign for promoting Equal Opportunities and Gender Equality.

The activities during the youth exchange are all based on the non-formal education method. The activities will include ice breaking activities, energisers, intercultural night, team building activities, role-plays etc. related to the theme of the exchange.

If you would like to participate or for further information kindly send an e mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to hear from you!!


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