Wednesday, 13 September 2017 19:59

Can I Come In? - Seminar in Budapest, Hungary

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Be part of Can I Come In? - Seminar on Skills and Tools to work with migrant youths & local communities

Project Title:  Can I come in?

Dates: 20 – 26 November 2017

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Age: 18 years +

Costs: Food and accommodation 100% free.
Travel costs maximum amount reimbursed €275

Participants needed – 3 participants 

Participating Countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Malta, Hungary, Germany, Finland, Spain, Turkey and Romania.

Project Description: “Can I come in?” is a seminar under the KA1 of the Erasmus+ programme, during which participants will deepen the knowledge on the challenges connected with the current migrant crisis in Europe from multiple perspectives, understanding and recognizing the reasons for this phenomenon, explore the skills and tools needed today to work with young migrants and the local communities, sharing experiences, ideas, best practices and methods developed in different countries to raise awareness and build positive change in the attitudes and approaches of European youth towards the issue. Effective inclusion, as we intend it, has multiple meanings: integration in the labour market (local and European one), the development of language skills, civic and educational integration and rights acquisition, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, working on housing and health challenges, an active interaction between the local communities and migrants, as well as the fight against stereotypes, prejudice and myths created in the latest years connected to these topics.

If you would like to participate or for further information kindly send an e mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to hearing from you!!


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