SEYF encourage a participatory project development among its network in order to stimulate a local attitude to project managing, in line with the motto “Think Globally, Act Locally”.
On these lines, SEYF promotes and organises seminars, training courses, youth exchanges, supports European Voluntary Service and creates events, Festivals and Campaings to provide an easier access of young people to participate youth initiatives and society.
The intervention strategy of SEYF is based on the education and training approach of the recognized "learning by doing", a method fostered through Non-Formal Education that can be applied to almost every kind of action, in line with the principles of experiential education.
Moreover, the SEYF approach is based on networking and cooperation at local and international level with the belief to exchange good practices and knowledge between organizations cooperating within the SEYF network. Building partnerships is one of the basic elements for change and developing of a culture based on peace and solidarity.
All the projects, which are achieved thanks to the interaction within our network, are developed under the following fields :
Our goals:
- to enhance the active participation of young people in society;
- to guarantee constant and complete information about national and international opportunities;
- to set up a coordination centre of the incoming and outgoing mobility of European Voluntary Service;
- to increase dialogue and exchange of ideas amongst youth organisations that are located in different European Union countries;
- to make young people aware about the value of voluntary work, in order to make it clearly identified and recognized as important methodology of non formal learning;
- to give a valid instrument for the training of trainers, socio-educational and youth animator through training courses and seminars for the application of outdoor training;
- To create opportunities of training and integration to formal education, in order to adhere to Life Long Learning attitude;
- To create new occupational opportunities through the programming of actions that support creativity and entrepreneurship;
- To put a check to the geographical obstacles of the young people of all our territories, that feels distant from the main decision-making centres.
We as promoters of SEYF network are willing to help you address your needs and aspirations, in order to achieve your potential.