Full Monty

"FULL MONTY" has been a youth exchange which activites took place in Specchia, a little village in the South of Italy, from 15th to 22th September 2013. The project involved 41 young people from 8 youth organizations that work in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Romania and Spain. The main idea of the project has been developed in order to combate youth unemployment and to support a more inclusive growth.

The project was mainly focused on the presentation of opportunities that young people may find while they're building their career, helped by the opportunities offered by EU or their respective national governments, or thanks to the personal effort (education, preparation and ingenuity) and the experience developed with Volunteering.

The main objective was to increase the awareness of young people to their personal life skills and for giving them tools and instruments to propose them-selves in future occupational perspectives.

During 'Full monty', for the fulfillment of the project's objectives, we used non-formal education: the young participants learnt more about the realities that deal with creative strategies for the development of new work opportunities for young people. Thus, they've been main actors so that they learnt, tested and are more aware about interests and ideas on the employement. Through workshops, visits to local activities and organizations that are developing new work idea for the youth, icebreaking, team building and problem solving activities with the related de-briefing, daily evaluation moments the participants succeeded in creating web-material uploaded on the SEYF community, which stimulated creativity and a transfer of knowledge with the virtual peer communication. Thanks to the experience and its outcomes, the exchange promoted young people's active citizenship and disseminated the results through its young actors of Full Monty, considering the latter as such as a creative way for developing new work opportunities against unemployement and and European action for supporting mobility of youth work.

Finally we fulfilled our expectations that the youngsters became protagonists and messengers of our Europe in a small reality, far from the main circuits, where people have different conceptions of youth employement but without a net-sharing of the knowledge.


"FULL MONTY " è stato uno scambio giovanile incentrato sulle priorità di lavoro, creatività, auto-imprenditorialità giovanile per contrastare la disoccupazione giovanile e per sostenere una crescita più inclusiva

Il progetto è stato realizzato a Specchia, un piccolo paesino nel sud Italia, dal 15 al 22 settembre 2013. Il progetto ha coinvolto 41 giovani provenienti da 8 organizzazioni giovanili che operano in Bulgaria, Grecia, Ungheria, Italia, Malta, Polonia, Romania e Spagna.

Il progetto è stato incentrato sulla presentazione di opportunità che i giovani possono scoprire mentre stanno costruendo la loro carriera, aiutati dalle opportunità offerte a livello locale, nazionale ed Europeo. aiutati dallo sforzo personale (istruzione , preparazione e ingegno ) e aiutati dall'esperienza sviluppata durante periodi di volontariato.

L'obiettivo principale è stato quello di migliorare la consapevolezza dei giovani sulle loro abilità personali (like skills) e per offrire loro gli strumenti affinché siano più sicuri e propositivi nel auto-promuoversi.

Durante 'Full Monty ', al fine di conseguire gli obiettivi del progetto, abbiamo fatto propri e utilizzato metodologie tipiche dell'educazione non formale: in questo modo i giovani partecipanti hanno appreso in modo più efficace le realtà che si occupano di strategie creative per lo sviluppo di nuove opportunità di lavoro per i giovani  Attraverso un tale approccio, i giovani sono stati gli attori principali del progetto. 

 Full Monty: Watch "Yes! We learnt!"



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