Friday, 10 March 2017 18:16

EVS in Italy with Refugees - Breakdown The Wall

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SEYF is looking for 1 Bulgarian and 1 Irish participant aged 18-27 years old for an European Voluntary Service in Italy on migrants' issues.

* Description:

Breakdown The Wall is an EVS project to be held in Italy on the issues of migration, integration and EU citizenship.

The project involves 2 volunteers aged 18-27 years from Bulgaria and Ireland.

SEYF is managing a Center for Refugees and Asylum seekers where we host 40 young refugees: here, we provide for all the basic needs of the migrants.

The project idea is to promote good practices of integration through the use of intercultural dialogue and cultural expression: this will happen by collecting stories of local migrants , setting up activities for fostering integration between Community and migrants and, in the meanwhile, for stimulating a wider sense of EU citizenship among the local community.


-To foster better understanding of the procedures of reception of asylum seekers

-To build interactive moments for foreign citizens that are being hosted in the reception centres in the area of Montesano.

-To support movement of opinion, through practices easily replicable.

 * Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:

-TRAVEL: travel costs are covered until a maximum of 275,00 € per participant from Bulgaria and from Ireland. Local transport is covered by SEYF;

-FOOD & ACCOMMODATION: SEYF will host the volunteers in a flat in Montesano. The accommodation will assure good living conditions (private rooms, equipped kitchen and bathroom, heating system, running cold/ hot water, Wi-Fi). They will receive a monthly lump sum amount for food.

INSURANCE: participants will be covered for free by European insurance Cigna.

POCKET MONEY: 115 euro/month to the volunteer for additional personal expenses, issued monthly.

 * Training during the opportunity:

 -TRAINING: participants will attend specific training session organized foreseen in the Erasmus+ Prog.

-ITALIAN LESSONS: will be provided through Online Linguistic Support (provided by the Erasmus+) and Italian Lesson with the issue of Official Italian Language Certificate within the Center (provided by SEYF).

-WORKING PROGRAMME: 30 hours/week + Italian Classes, party, fun.

Timetable is flexible and adapted to the Center’ schedule. There are 2 free days/week and a total of 12 days of vacation in the project. Any change/plan can be discussed in advance with volunteers.

Opportunity topics:

- Migrants issues

- Eu citizenships 

* Hosting Organization:

South Europe Youth Forum

 * Project City:

Montesano Salentino (Lecce)

 * Country:


* Project dates:

 31th March 2017 – 28 September 2017

 * Number of volunteers:

2 (1 from Bulgaria, 1 from Ireland)

Volunteer profile:

-18/27 years old;

-active, openminded, creative, responsible, motivated, able to work in multicultural teams, tolerant;

- interest in learning to work with youth and migrants, non-formal and intercultural activities and willing to improve skills on these issues.

-Any experience and/or educations in non-formal education and animation skills and cultural competences (basic, not professional) will be a plus.

-To show willingness to learn and see their EVS experience as a learning process.

-Basic level of English;

Any other language would be welcomed.


* Countries volunteers will be recruited from:

Bulgaria (BG)

Ireland (IE)

* How to apply: 


Fill the form:

Send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together with your CV and a short motivation letter.

We will soonly contact you in order to make a video-interview.

* Contact email address

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* Contact telephone number:


* Click for More info and infopack of the project


* Useful links:

* the project on The European Youth Portal:

* our Facebook page:

* The Facebook page of the center: 

SEYF Italia - Eventi

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