Tuesday, 21 May 2013 17:45

Let's meet the Sun: outdoor education

Written by SEYF Malta

Let's Meet The Sun was a training course on outdoor education that was held in Sliema, Malta, and lasted five days.

Let's Meet The Sun was a training course on outdoor education that was held in Sliema, Malta, lasted five days and was hosted by the Maltese South Europe Youth forum Malta from the 02 – 08 June 2013.

32 youth workers, youth leaders and facilitators that came from Hungary, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Netherlands, Georgia, Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine participated in this project. The project was developed in response to the EU strategy to invest in young people and give them more responsibility, especially when it comes to the structured dialogue involving the development of the theme "socio educational animation".

The objectives of the project were to promote more non-formal outdoor education as an alternative way to develop strategies and non-formal learning methods that will be an instrument to reach more European and Caucasian youth.

Amongst the activities that were planned there were role-plays, energizers, ice breaking games, team building and intercultural learning activities. Most of the activities were held outdoors and in various locations around Malta in order to raise awareness amongst the participants of the potential of various open-air areas that one can use for outdoor activities. In this eBook, one can find activities proposed and new activities created by participants.


Read the outdoor e-xperience book


Press Release (Newsroom Malta)


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